
List of the Mundane

Thoughts that came through my mind while on holidays

1 - We go out of the taxi and the driver told is that people scratch the bumper of the car when they take their luggage out. I pulled the big bag and realised what time it was.

2 - The floor was grey and I felt thirsty. I bought a bottle of water but I didn’t drink it because I didn’t want to go to the toilet frequently.

3 - Cheese in triangles, hard bread, jam, butter, tomatoes, cucumbers. It was instant coffee and I didn’t find any cutlery. I had to ask the waiter.

4 - We crossed the street and I stuck to the shade. A big car was parking in the middle of the traffic. It was beige, I kept walking.

5 - A group pf doctors passed by while we went down the road. We wanted to go to the port for a walk. I noticed the pavement had stones and the day was young.

6 - I took the stairs from the first to the second floor. The door was open so I went through without having to open it.

7 - A lot of cars were going at high-speed, grey black, white, red ones, especially new models.

8 - When I went down the stairs I noticed the green carpet, there was a red extinguisher on the corner with a piece of plastic on top. One could hear the television on.

9 - I saw a guy passing by, he was wearing a light grey shirt and worn out jeans. He was wearing black sandals and blue socks. He was blonde and walked towards a busy road.

10 - I remembered a dream I had and interpret it. It was a dream about a beehive. The sun came out again and the place became more abandoned. It was a while since I had been to the toilet.

11 - The glasses were small and there was a bike parked in front of my table. It was a white bike with two lights.

12 - There was a couple sitting dressed in white. They were going to eat something because they didn’t stop looking towards the kitchen.

Sunday thought

13 - I opened the cupboard and looked for the bag of dried bananas. I saw a can of beans, the flour, the sugar and an empty bag of couscous. I walked down the corridor and turned the light on, It was cold and I was wearing a black jumper. I remembered, as I saw my purse, where the bananas were.

Working day thoughts

14 - I wake up and think about making the first step. Once in the shower I imagine how I will cook my porridge and add some sugar. I wish I had a microwave.

15 - I stand by the door and put my shoes on. They are cold and I think to myself that the next time I will not leave them by the door.

16 - I start walking through the same old street. I can’t understand why is always full of for sale signs. Don’t they ever get sold?

17 - I see a white mark on the floor and a couple more a few steps later. I hear a loud noise. It is the recycling lorry.

18 - I get to the platform and the train is delayed. I want a coffee but I don’t have any cash on me and I don’t have enough time to run to the cash point.

19 - I get to work and the alarm is still on. Thank God! I check my emails and have a coffee without having to make tea for everyone.

20 - I don’t get hungry at lunchtime and its so cold out I decide to skip it. Half an hour later Julie is going to get lunch and I ask her if she could get me Brie baguette. As I reach out for my purse I remember I don’t have any cash on me.

21 - It is already five o’clock and I feel I can’t wait to get out of there. It is already dark and I feel like going to the beach.

22 - I remember I don’t have anything to eat at home so I head towards the Turkish shop on Hoe Street.

23 - I get home and put my shoes by the door, my coat on the staircase and my bag by the floor. I put the dishes on the dishwasher feel very lucky to have one. My hands are cold. My hands are always cold.

24 - The phone rings and someone wants to make me save some pounds. I hang up and go to bed. I hear some noise from the neighbours below. They are a happy bunch. I wonder if they work as I close my eyes.

List from childhood memories

25 - The train was full. I wanted to sit down on the floor but someone kept pulling me up.

26 - Distances seemed huge.

27 - The smell I remember the most is the one of ham in the supermarket fridge.

28 - I don’t remember numbers, floors or buzzers.

29 - The wind blew very hard. I needed help to keep my feet on the floor.

30 - I think nobody noticed when I left.

List of what I saw from the train window from Moscow to Beijing

31 - Apartments
Back Windows
Lamp pole
Cars parked on the road
Industrial zone
People walking
Trees with long thin trunk
Electricity poles
Bushes with leaves in form of stars
Fallen trees
Little houses
Train tracks
Lady walking
Train with goods
Poles with stripes
Ladies with shopping bags
Countryside houses
Clothes hanging
Cars going
Yellow flowers
People having a picnic
Thin trees with thin branches
Dry leaves
Dry Grass
Truck distributing ice creams with a Penguin as logo
More apartments
Wooden houses
Houses in construction
Abandoned Lot
Pink flowers
Cotton flowers
Trees with red flowers
Wood factory
Kids playing in backyard
Road crossing
Trains in storage
Waters tanks parked on the side of the highway
Gas containers
Fat trees
Little villages
Piles of wooden platforms
Long grass
Long plant with a sausage like flower
Electric Plants
Sun at mid afternoon
Kids drinking and smoking on the side of the train tacks
More red flowers
Man walking with a stick
A big city
Storage places
Gas station
Industrial site
Green trains with red stars parked
People waiting on train platforms
Middle age men walking in the road
Powers plants
Abandoned train wagon
Cars waiting for the train to pass
Train stations
Train wheels
Policeman waiting
Soldiers waiting
Kids waiting
Shops in platforms
More bridges
Little market
Customs office
More cables
Road signs
The night
Roads during the night
Lakes during the night
Factories during the night
Electricity poles during the night
Workers during the night
Broken passenger bus parked on the road during the night
Grass during the night
Grey and blue sky at dawn
More rain
More trees
Another day
Dust in the wind made by cars
Army welcoming the train in Chinese border
Trees with similar height
Immense compounds of flats
Workers resting

Thoughts between normality and obsession

32 - The need to hold a plastic spoon

33 - To search for the noise of things falling

34 - Listening like a fly on the wall

35 - Being scared of a vacuum cleaner

36 - Riming and singing instead of speaking

37 - To be upset if the sun sets

38 - Revulsion for the smell of an egg

39 - Spinning in the middle of a room

40 - Admiration for a button